1. Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
Organizations that have qualified for exemption as public charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code, governmental units, and established churches.
2. Can a separate organization with a 501(c)(3) exemption apply on behalf of my organization?
No. Grant funds are not made through fiscal agents and will only be distributed to a 501(c)(3) entity, not to a foundation.
3. What is the application procedure?
Obtain the required application form that is available upon request to the Foundation office. Follow the instructions listed thereon and on the Application.
4. The Foundation sent us an application form. Does that indicate there is a likelihood of our receiving a grant?
Not necessarily. Though we will sometimes discourage an organization or project that is outside current grantmaking practices, an application will be provided if the grant seeker requests it.
5. What are the Foundation’s deadlines?
October 1st of every year. Applications must be received in the office (not merely postmarked) by the close of that business day; for holidays and weekends, the next business day will suffice. The submission shall include one (1) original and five (5) copies of the application. Applications normally are notified of the Trustees’ decision within 10 to 12 weeks after the Trustees’ meeting.
6. When is the best time to submit an application?
Grant cycles do not differ. Apply when your organization is ready, the plan is firm, other needed funding is identified and organizational leadership/management is stable.
7. What are the duration, size and frequency of grant awards?
A. The Foundation occasionally makes multi-year commitments.
B. Grants can range from less than $1,000 and up. The amount an applicant receives is based on a number of factors including the magnitude of the project, the funds available for distribution, the level of the Foundation’s interest, competition for funding, and other considerations.
C. A minimum of one year is required between proposals from Applicants based upon when the request was originally approved.
8. What follow up reports does the Foundation require from recipients?
A final report is required when the project is completed – preferably within one year. This report should reference the specific amount, purpose, and date of the grant, and confirm its proper distribution. However, if you have not been able to fully utilize the funds as anticipated within the year, please send an interim report indicating the anticipated completion date.
9. How are grant decisions made?
Grants are approved only by action of the full Board of Trustees following a rigorous internal review process.
10. Our organization has many needs; how can we determine which will most closely fit the interests of the Foundation?
Apply for what you need most, unless it is specifically excluded in the guidelines.
11. Is it possible to ask for too much?
Absolutely. Optimism should never be a substitute for good judgment.
12. Does the Foundation provide seed money or start up grants?
13. Does the Foundation make grants to individuals or provide scholarships?
No, however grants for scholarships are made to colleges and universities.
14. What about indirect or overhead costs?
15. Does the Foundation make grants for capital purposes?
16. What about a “leadership gift” to get my campaign off to a great start?
No. The Trustees expect a significant portion of the needed funding to be received, in process, or realistically identified.
17. Will a “naming opportunity” be attractive to the Foundation?
While the Trustees appreciate appropriate recognition, it never drives the Foundation’s decisions or participation.
18. Does the Foundation develop partnerships?
While the Foundation may make additional grants over time when warranted, it does not “partner” with any organizations. Receipt of a grant from the Foundation should be viewed as a one-time response to a specific request. Future applications will be evaluated on their own merits.